THE FIRST TIME Anthology is here!

You never forget your first...

In THE FIRST TIME, 25 young adult authors contribute 25 stories all about firsts: first loves, first kisses, first zombie slayings, and more. Featuring New York Times bestselling authors Carrie Ryan and Jessica Verday, plus a host of others. From humor to horror, and everything in between, these stories will make you laugh, cry, cheer, (and maybe even scream) as you experience something brand new from the authors that you love.

Contributing authors include: Cyn Balog, Lauren Bjorkman, Leigh Brescia, Jennifer Brown, Kirstin Cronn-Mills, Janet Gurtler, Teri Hall, Cheryl Renee Herbsman, Stacey Jay, Heidi R. Kling, C. Lee McKenzie, Saundra Mitchell, Jenny Moss, Jackson Pearce, Shani Petroff, Carrie Ryan, Sydney Salter, Kurtis Scaletta, Jon Skovron, Kristina Springer, Rhonda Stapleton, Charity Tahmaseb, Jessica Verday, J. A. Yang, and Lara Zielin. 

Available now for only $2.99!

Get it from Amazon

Get it from Barnes & Noble 

If you don't have a Kindle, you can still read this eBook on your phone, computer, iPad, e-reader, etc. Just grab the Amazon Kindle app.

If you prefer the Barnes & Noble Nook app, get it here

  • sealy38

The WestSide Debacle

When WestSide Books told its authors it was up for sale, we thought we might be in for a break: a new publisher who would actually promote our books, get them out in paperback, and ePub them. The problem seems to be that WSB is using the same sales promotion technique it used for its books . . . not much.

We were asked to keep silent about what was brewing and we did, but now the lid is off and the authors are speaking out. Here's one post by Beth Fehlbaum. She's at least telling publishers that WSB is up for sale.

I'm posting this for the public as well as the Debs in hopes the word will travel. As long as WSB doesn't sell our books are in limbo. It's quite a mess.

Secret Project Revealed! 2009 Debs eBook Anthology

New York Times bestselling author Jessica Verday announces an e-anthology featuring 25 authors from the writers group 2009 Debutantes

The bestselling author of THE HOLLOW Trilogy, Jessica Verday, has gathered 24 other authors for a kind of Young Adult sampler featuring a theme of “Firsts.” The eBook will be published by Verday herself and she will be co-editing with Rhonda Stapleton author of the STUPID CUPID series.

This eBook will give readers a chance to sample the stories of 25 different authors exploring what it’s like to experience something for the first time. From first kiss to first love, there’s no time like the first time.

“This is an innovative way for authors to reach out to readers in a single book that anyone can afford. Readers get the chance to find a new story from some of their favorite authors, and while they’re at it, be introduced to other authors they may not have been able to get to know yet,” says Verday.

The e-anthology will be available on Amazon Kindle and Smashwords. The tentative release date is October 4, 2011.

Contributing authors are: Jessica Verday, Carrie Ryan, Rhonda Stapleton, Cyn Balog, Lauren Bjorkman, Leigh Brescia, Teri Hall, Stacey Jay, C. Lee McKenzie, Janet Gurtler, Jenny Moss, Jackson Pearce, Kristina Springer, Charity Tahmaseb, Jon Skovron, Heidi Kling, Saundra Mitchell, Jennifer Hubbard, Kirstin Cronn-Mills, Lara Zielin, Shani Petroff, Kurtis Scaletta, J.A. Yang, Jennifer Brown, and Sydney Salter.

Cover to be revealed May 2011.

L. K. Madigan's Feast of Awesome Giveaway WINNERS!

hello all! thank you so much for the tremendous
response we've gotten for the L. K. Madigan Giveaway.
you guys really worked hard on spreading Book Love for
our friend, lisa, and on behalf of the debs, we say THANK YOU!

below, in no particular order, are the FORTY winners who
have won a copy of both Flash Burnout and The Mermaid's
Mirror courtesy of the debs.


1. please email me your US mailing address asap!

2. let me know what your LJ handle, blog name, whatever
was used to identify you so i can cross you off as having responded.

3. you have until this SUNDAY, 2/6 to respond before i select
another winner in your place.

4. please continue to spread Book Love by reviewing, blogging,
and tweeting about lisa's books after you've read them. =)

Again, thank you so much everyone. and please continue to
keep lisa and her family in your prayers, thoughts, and
sharing L. K. Madigan Book Love.


christi heron aldellizzi
gina masone ciocca
mary ellen
lindsay cummings
kasey leblanc
jennie englund
beth bubookblog



L. K. Madigan Book Love for Libraries CLOSED!

LIBRARIANS! thank you for your wonderful
response to the L. K. Madigan Book Love for Libraries,
courtesy of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. This giveaway
is now closed!

i wanted to take the time to thank everyone on
behalf of the debs for the outpouring of support and
Book Love i've seen for lisa in our debs giveaway.
thank you so much! please do continue to help
get the word out about lisa's books. <3

in keeping with this, lisa's wonderful publisher,
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, is matching our debs
giveaway by donating FORTY sets of lisa's novels
as well. Flash Burnout and The Mermaid's Mirror
will be donated to forty PUBLIC or SCHOOL
libraries in the United States.

as a fellow book lover with an endless To Be Read pile(s),
i know how many books are competing for our attention.
but for the librarians who enter, please do help us spread
LK Madigan book love in some way--be it reading the books
yourselves, recommending to readers, displaying face out, etc.

i'm over half way through The Mermaid's Mirror (i began
reading yesterday) and lisa is simply such a wonderful
storyteller. and i find myself caught up in this novel as much
as i was in Flash Burnout, even though the stories are
quite different--her voice shines through.

again, thank you for helping us show lisa how much we love her
and her books!!

L. K. Madigan's Feast of Awesome Giveaway! CLOSED!

Flash Burnout was one of the top five books i read
in 2009. this is saying a lot, because i tend to favor
fantasy novels. it's simply a personal preference, as
indicated in my own writing. but i happened to pick up
an arc of Flash Burnout at ALA in chicago that summer,
read it, and gave lisa's debut novel this short five star
review on goodreads:

stayed up till past 1.30am to finish lk madigan's
FLASH BURNOUT. brilliant. funny, touching, sad,
and utterly real. i love blake. RECOMMEND!

the way madigan channeled a boy teen with a sense
of humor and heart--capable of mistakes like
all of us--is nothing short of amazing.

a terrific read!

then i had the pleasure of meeting lisa at the
scbwi national conference in los angeles. and
proceeded to fangirl her enthusiastically. maybe
i stalked her a little too. =) i couldn't get past the
fact that this charming, mild-mannered woman had
the spirit of a teen boy hidden inside her. we sat on
a table we probably weren't meant to sit on at the end
of the gala and lisa told me about the mermaid book
she was writing. but she wouldn't say anything else
about it. (i'm like that too with my new projects.)

Flash Burnout went on to win the Morris Award in 2010,
given to the best young adult debut novel written in the past
year. i was so thrilled for lisa, for her novel, and for Blake,
the narrator of her story.

this week, lisa shared very difficult news on her blog.
bravely. eloquently.
words fail to express how we, the debs, as a group
have reacted. we've been through so much together
since our publication year, so many ups and downs,
triumphs and tribulations, and i don't think any of us
can imagine news more devastating than this.

so how can we best express our love and support for
lisa during this time? through the celebration of her books.
only a fellow writer can know the angst and turmoil associated
with creating stories--because we put so much of ourselves in them.
won't you help us in spreading L. K. Madigan Book Love?

i already told you how amazing Flash Burnout is, and i've
got a copy of The Mermaid's Mirror winging its way to me.
the debs are giving away FORTY sets of lisa's books. each
winner will receive both Flash Burnout and The Mermaid's Mirror.
and to enter, you simply have to help spread the love.

how, you ask? consider:

1. adding her books onto your goodreads shelf.
2. blogging. linking, tweeting about this giveaway.
3. adding reviews to sites or on your blog if you've
read lisa's novels. vlog about it!
4. if you've already blogged about lisa's books, why
not do so again? =)
5. telling your friends about lisa's books if you've read them.
6. buying her wonderful books for yourself, for a friend.
7. checking them out from your local library, requesting them
if they aren't carried.
8. generally spreading the Book Love, however and any
way you can.

then comment in this post on how you shared the Book Love
(with appropriate links to blogs, twitter, goodreads, etc)
to enter for a chance to win one of forty sets we're giving away.
this contest is open to US mailing addresses only and will run
through MONDAY, JANUARY 31, when winners will be chosen by
random. though i may favor entries that took more thought
and effort. good luck! please help us show lisa how much we love her!


Telephoto lens. Zoom. In a shutter release millisecond,
Blake’s world turns upside down. The nameless woman
with the snake tattoo is not just another assignment.
“That’s my mom!” gasps Marissa.


Saturated self-portrait: Blake, nice guy, class clown,
always trying to get a laugh, not sure where to focus.


Contrast. Shannon, Blake’s GF. Total. Babe. Marissa,
just a friend and fellow photographer. Shannon loves him;
Marissa needs him. How is he supposed to frame them both
in one shot?


Chiaroscuro. Lightdark. Marissa again, overexposed.
Crash and burn.

Talk about negative space.


Lena has lived her whole life near the beach — walking for
miles up and down the shore and breathing the salty air,
swimming in the cold water, and watching the surfers rule
the waves — the problem is, she’s spent her whole life just watching.

As her sixteenth birthday approaches, Lena vows she will
no longer watch from the sand: she will learn to surf.

But her father — a former surfer himself — refuses to allow
her to take lessons. After his near drowning years ago, he
can’t bear to let Lena take up the risky sport.

Yet something keeps drawing Lena to the water . . . an ancient,
powerful magic. And one morning Lena catches sight of this
magic: a beautiful woman — with a silvery tail.

Now nothing can stop Lena from seeking the mermaid, not
even the dangerous waves at Magic Crescent Cove.

And soon . . . what she sees in the mermaid’s mirror will
change her life forever.