Aprilynne Pike (maprilynne) wrote in debut2009,
Aprilynne Pike

Family Pictures!

What a year it has been! And in the end, we all survived out publication pregnancies (even the guys) and gave birth to our little book babies!!! And what better way to celebrate new babies than to . . . take pictures!

So for our exceptional, brilliant, lovely followers, the 2009 Debutantes present our book babies! (Clicky for biggie.)

And last but not least, all our books showing a little leg . . . er . . . cover.:D

Congrats to all our Debs!! What a year it has been!!!!!
Tags: aprilynne pike

  • Debut 2009: Wings

    About Wings Aprilynne Pike's WINGS is the first of four books about an ordinary girl named Laurel who discovers she is a faerie sent among…

  • I Didn't Write That!

    My BA is in Creative Writing, so you can imagine I studied a lot of fiction. A lot of fiction. Much of the fiction I studied fell into the category…

  • Bio: Aprilynne Pike

    Name: Aprilynne Pike '09 Book Title: AUTUMN WINGS (tentative) Publisher: Harper Teen Favorite Books: Hands down, Lois Lowry's The Giver. I am…

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  • Debut 2009: Wings

    About Wings Aprilynne Pike's WINGS is the first of four books about an ordinary girl named Laurel who discovers she is a faerie sent among…

  • I Didn't Write That!

    My BA is in Creative Writing, so you can imagine I studied a lot of fiction. A lot of fiction. Much of the fiction I studied fell into the category…

  • Bio: Aprilynne Pike

    Name: Aprilynne Pike '09 Book Title: AUTUMN WINGS (tentative) Publisher: Harper Teen Favorite Books: Hands down, Lois Lowry's The Giver. I am…